Northern Gateway site at Cronulla secured for $300 million development

Prominent developer Allen Sammut has amalgamated all of the properties in the block opposite the northern end of Cronulla mall, paving the way for a $300 million development.
The proposed project will include commercial and residential components, including a full-line major brand supermarket, specialty shops and restaurants.
Sutherland Shire Council refers to the block as the Northern Gateway to the Cronulla Centre.
Supermarket, offices and 112 apartments in Cronulla’s Northern Gateway plans

This is how the block opposite the northern end of Cronulla mall will look according to a development application lodged by Sammut Developments.
The DA says the Northern Gateway proposal “takes inspiration from the coastal location of the site” and “has been designed to minimise the impact of overshadowing” of the mall.
However, the maximum building height will exceed the 30 metre LEP limit by 3.05 metres.
Under the Sammut Developments’ plans, 3-23 Kingsway, which at present houses old, two-storey shops and offices, will be redeveloped to include:
Apartments in Sammut Group’s new Vue development at Cronulla priced below those in boutique projects

The Sammut Group says 30 of the 112 apartments in new Cronulla development Vue have been “snapped up” ahead of the official launch to market in March.
All sales have been made to local and repeat buyers, the company says.
Sammut Group chief operating officer Julian Sammut said local interest had been extraordinary.
“We released a select number of apartments at the end of last year and have been blown away by the enthusiasm to be part of Vue,” he said.